Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Major WTF!!!!

The Collier County Sherrif's Office issued the drug alert on the use of Jenkem, a hallucinogenic drug being used by high school students. Jenkem is an inhaled gas made from fermented sewage which can result in dissociation and hallucinations.

Yes, my friends, kids are now using piss and poo to get high. I'm sure either Law and Order or CSI will have it in a show soon........


Mrs. B said...

I'm like you - WTF??? Gives Shithead a whole new meaning now, doesn't it???

So bizarre, like I don't have enough to worry about with my kids already! I checked Google and Snopes.com on this, seems people are saying it's a hoax, but not confirmed yet, and you can find other webpages where Shitheads claim to be doing it. One Shithead even posted to put a mint in on day #2 of fermenting to help the "taste"... BIG EEEEWWWWWWW..... Either way, if the idiots weren't trying it before, once they see it in the media, they will. Only a matter of time...

The teens will move from stealing mom and dad's pain pills or other prescription drugs to fermenting and sniffing their own shit! Free and legal... how are you going to regulate shit? Flush Patrol? Good Lord...

I can see it now, balloons being banished from school, because they may contain shit fumes... or will at some point in the future... having to buy them from "behind the counter"... and a new possible use for latex gloves and canning jars too!

I think in Nursing school we need to have a "stupid drugs of choice" class, eh?? How do you tell the difference between somebody really sick, and somebody doing something stupid like this? Smell their breath? How do you treat them in the ER or Dr. office?

Thanks for the interesting info and heads up! Guess I better get back to work before I get in trouble for researching shit and not doing shit...

Anonymous said...

If it helps you sleep nights, it's definitely a hoax.


DixieLaurel said...

The fact that it is a hoax makes me feel a little better, but knowing someone out there thought this *shit* up is still scary.

Mrs. B said...

From what I read, it's not totally a hoax. It is real - started in Africa, where extremely poverty-stricken children are doing it, they would wait by the sewers, stick their hands in and scoop it up. They don't have the luxury of paint spray cans, markers, glue, or other drugs to get high. This is free, and readily available. One person's post I found online said it gave you the same psychosis as bat dung, which he claimed Indians have been huffing for years. Don't know how true that is... so it's not entirely a hoax, it's just not as widespread as that article made it seem. As I said before, though, it only takes a new idea being posted out there somewhere, and some idiot is going to try it, just to see if it works...and tell all his friends. There were several websites I read where people were claiming to have done it, and yes, it supposedly causes pretty psychotic episodes. I can't imagine what point you would have to get to to try something this gross, though.... Nasty, just nasty...